You can create profiles that allocate specific percentages or shares of each order to individual accounts based on the rules you set and values you input.
To create a share allocation profile
Note: When you create an order, the choices displayed in the Allocation list are grouped by Account Groups, then Allocation Profiles, and then individual accounts. However, they are not identified in any other way. When you create a profile, you may want to include a prefix such as "P" in the name to identify the choice as a profile.
In the Allocation Profile specifies area, select a method of allocating shares between accounts:
Percentages - this method will split the total number of shares in the order between listed accounts based on the percentages you indicate. For example, an order for 1000 shares using a profile with four accounts at 25% each would allocate 250 shares to each listed account in the profile.
Financial Ratios - this method calculates the allocation of shares based on the ratios you enter. For example, an order for 1000 shares using a profile with four accounts set to a ratio of 4, 2, 1, 1 would allocate 500, 250, 125 and 125 shares to the listed accounts, respectively.
Shares - this method allocates the absolute number of shares you enter to each account listed. If you use this method, the order size is calculated by adding together the number of shares allocated to each account in the profile.
Click in the Account field to view all accounts. Select an account and tab over to the Value field.
Enter the percent, ratio or number of shares to be allocated to the selected account (you may need to delete the current value). Tab to create a new account line.
Note: If you use percentages to allocate shares, percentages allocated must equal 100. If you use ratios, The system automatically calculates these percentages.
Continue until you have listed all the desired accounts for the current profile, and click OK.